Paternity Cases Are Easy To Prove With DNA

By Robin Roshkind, Esquire, West Palm Beach, Florida

Paternity cases are perhaps the most fun for a family law attorney because the male either is or isn’t the father of the child in question.  Thank goodness for DNA and the advanced DNA testing available to everyone today.

A DNA test is a simple as a cheek swab.  Both the “father” and the baby are tested and the results either match or they don’t. 

If they match, the father has parental rights as well as parental obligations, i.e. child support.  If they match, the mother can’t move with baby out of town unless the father gives permission or the court allows it.  Mommy also has to provide time sharing for daddy.  Relocation cases are a bit more difficult than paternity cases because the burden is steep on the one who wishes to relocate with baby.  The standard is best interests of the child.

With so many couples living together without wed lock, I have seen a huge increase in paternity cases in my practice.  If you are not sure who the daddy is, call us to help.  For more information call one of the family law attorneys at ROBIN ROSHKIND, P.A. at 561-835-9091 or click on the Firm’s web site at for more information.