A Divorce Can Jump Start Your Life

By Robin Roshkind, Esquire, West Palm Beach, Florida

A divorce can and often does jump start your life…instead of looking at a divorce as a failure, as many have a tendency to do, look at divorce as a positive beginning.  You are taking an affirmative step to get out of a bad situation.  Divorce can be like bankruptcy…a reorganization of your life. 

Here’s what you will need during or after your divorce:

1.  Do some estate planning and eliminate your spouse from your will, trusts and other estate planning documents.

2.  Reevaluate your life, health, accident, disability, car and long term care insurances.

3.  Get some tax advice either during divorce settlement talks or immediately thereafter.

4.  Same for financial advice…what to do with your settlement funds.

5.  If you want to go back to school or to work, seek the advice of a vocational counselor.  This is a must if you are asking for rehabilitative alimony and a must if you are planning a professional future that you don’t already have.

6.  See what your real estate investments are really worth to you… evaluate a refinancing or a purchase or a sale, or even becoming a landlord by renting out your property.

7.  Get yourself some psychological counseling.  This will help you with the transition from married to single.

Overall, you have a new you.  With the right attitude you will see how much you can accomplish.  For more information about the divorce process or if you are thinking about getting a divorce in Palm Beach County, call one of the divorce lawyers at ROBIN ROSHKIND, P.A. at 561 835 9091 or click on the Firm’s web site at www.familylawwpb.com for more information.